Monday, November 22, 2004

A question

So, what do y'all think? Should li'l' ol' me try his hand at this cowboy poetry thang?


Anonymous said...

I say, go for it partner!

Anonymous said...

Sure... why not! :)

Anonymous said...

There's such thing as cowboy poetry?! Well, knowing you, it sounds like they'd be quite interesting. :D

Blessings. :)

Anonymous said...

Get your rear in gear, flag your nag, and beat them hoofs into the wild prairieee!!
Shoot, partner, go ahead, knock yourself out...

Anonymous said...

I Dunno Paul...........Ya have a horse? I think in order for you to be a Cowboy you have to have a horse, and now if I see the lil pink pony goes missing out in front of the local Walmart I'll know it was you and I'll have the law out looking for the horse thief speaking in verse with a pocket full of quarters! lol

Anonymous said...

Well, you seem to have done the research so why not?  I eagerly await the inaugural presentation of the great PLittle's Cowboy Poetry.

Anonymous said...

I can not resist ...

Yeeeeeeeee Haw!!

Anonymous said...

sure go for it !!!what do you have to loose..
ya got the talk so can ya walk the walk ??lets see!!

Anonymous said...

Why not!!!!  I like your style - go for it.

Anonymous said...

in a word?

Anonymous said...

So stop TALKING about it already and start WRITING!

Anonymous said...

I'm writing already! What, you think this stuff just trips off my tongue? Sometimes I spend 15 minutes on a message board post.

Anonymous said...

Go for it!!!!  I think you have a good thing going!!!!  Hang in there partner!!!!!!